Baba Deep Singh Indo-Amercian Institute, Patiala


Discerning differences: interns, volunteers, apprentices & more

Working with interns offers benefits for both the business and the student. Students get to put their new skills to some practical use, and businesses have the opportunity to test out and train new talent. There are several different terms used for these workStudent Internsers, and there are some important distinctions between the different types of student workers.

Unpaid Positions

You will need to be very careful when designing an unpaid program to ensure you are complying with state and federal employment regulations. Even so, there are some serious benefits. While there is no expectation of employment, that does not mean that you cannot make offers to the most talented interns you bring in. In addition, a good program creates the image among the student body that your company is a desirable place to work. Perhaps the most important aspect is that it is understood by both parties whether the position will be paid or not.

Volunteers: This is the most restrictive category of worker. The Department of Labor requires that volunteers be engaged in work for charitable or humanitarian purposes for which they are not compensated. There are very few situations where businesses will make use of volunteers.

Unpaid Intern: This designation is still very restrictive, but will be far more common. Offering unpaid internships does not mean obtaining free labor. You may not benefit directly from unpaid interns, and they may not replace paid employees. While they will perform some tasks and operate company equipment, they must be treated like trainees instead of employees. Another difference is that while they may receive credit for their work, there is no expectation of employment when the internship is over.

Paid Positions

In the end, how you classify your paid student workers is not important. Once they are being paid at least minimum wage they are legally employees, and what you call them is simply a way to ensure that both parties understand the nature of their relationship.

Paid Intern: Once the student is being paid at least minimum wage for their time, you have more options. Paid internships are a balance of giving the student the training they need, while still gaining some benefits from their time.

Apprentices: In the US, this function has been taken over by trade schools., but is still used in some trades. An apprentice works for a professional for a number of years in order to obtain the knowledge and experience and required to pursue that trade.

Student Employee: Many companies hire students to obtain inexpensive labor and to cultivate talent. The only difference is that internships often come with the possibility of school credit and may include more of a learning component.

For more information about designing the perfect internship program, download the Employer Guide to Structuring a Successful Internship Program.

Volunteering Activities


Do you have a skill that you would like to share? Do you have a favourite hobby or a passion that you would like to share with others? There are countless ways in which to volunteer – chances are if you have a skill or a hobby, there is a way to share your passion with others through volunteering. Volunteering activities can include everything from befrieding to bucket shaking, from painting fences to counting bats! To help inspire you and get you started, we have compiled some of the most popular volunteering activities on I-VOL below.

Types of internships

About internships:

Types of internships

How to apply for internships

law internsThere are many different types of internships available for you to choose from depending on your area of study or personal interests.

Internships for credit

Universities and colleges work collaboratively with companies to offer students internships for academic credits. These credits provide you with hands-on experience while fulfilling your academic requirements. Internships for credits are a great way to accomplish two goals at once.

Academic internships can be arranged through your academic adviser and may last 1-2 semesters in duration. To receive credit, students may be asked to keep a journal, write an essay, or make a presentation about the experience. Summer internships

Summer internship programs are normally shorter in duration and can last from a few weeks to an entire summer. These internships provide academic credits or experience in your field.

Most commonly, summer internships are arranged with your school, but independent internship opportunities can be found in fields such as tourism internships or hospitality internships.

There are many types of summer internships offered to students. You may choose from paid summer internship programs, high school summer internships, or internships based on location. Learn more about the specifics of an internship.

Non-profit internships

Non-profit internships are normally for organizations such as charities, schools, government agencies, religious organizations, or hospitals. The aim of non-profit internships are to provide a public service for the community. Internships at non-profit organizations are typically unpaid but look impressive on a resume or on a CV. Service learning

With this unique type of internship, you work for an organized community organization such as a library, a shelter, or a community center. Service learning programs are structured in a three-step process which require participants to: Define the objectives and goals of the project

Perform the service work

Present their experiences in a presentation or a paper

Examples of service learning projects could be taking part in a reading assistance program at a library, working with veterinarians at an animal shelter, or designing a playground at a community center. Through service learning, you receive transferable skills while benefiting the community.

Job shadowing

Job shadowing is also known as an "externship" and is similar to an internship but shorter, lasting from a few days to several weeks. Job shadowing is used as an activity for high school or university students to explore different career options.

Students taking part in job shadowing will spend time observing their mentor while working together with other professionals. Job shadowing is a great way to gain insight and experience while helping you decide the direction of your career.

Whichever type of internship you choose, you’ll have the chance to transfer your academic knowledge to real life experience. Read all about the application process for internships here.

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Befriending/mentoring can offer volunteers the opportunity to provide support and friendship to a person who may be going through a difficult period, is feeling lonely, or is adjusting to a major change in their life. Potential activities can include meeting with a client to go shopping or visiting a client who might be isolated in their community to have a chat over a cup of coffee. Find a complete list of befriending /mentoring volunteering opportunities in your area on I-VOL.

Administrative/Office Work

Many organisations require volunteers for office administration assistance such as reception duties, typing and research. Organisations often seek volunteers to help out at busy times with publicity campaigns or fundraising drives. Potential activities can include reception and administrative work, computing, managing a committee, and much more. Find an administrative / office volunteering opportunity in your area on I-VOL.

Arts (Music/Drama/Crafts)

There are lots of amazing ways to volunteer in the arts. you can volunteer by teaching, coaching, set design and assisting with a variety of arts and crafts from fine art to card making. If you’re musical, you can volunteer as a musician at a local nursing home or community centre. Of course, you don’t neccasrily have to be artistic to volunteer in the arts – why not help out behind the scenes with a local theatre group or promote an arts project in your area? Find a volunteering opportunity in the arts on I-VOL.

Teaching/Tutoring/Supporting Learning

Volunteering opportunities in teaching are available across all age groups and an assortment of organisations and causes. Potential volunteering activities include literacy tutoring, leaving certiciate student support, and many others. Find a volunteering opportunity in teaching/tutoring/supporting learning in your area on I-VOL.


Counselling/listening volunteers can provide practical and emotional support to others who are enduring a difficult time or recovering from a traumatic experience. There are lots of ways to volunteer and help, from counselling those suffering from depression to lending an ear to someone in any type of emotional distress. Volunteering roles are available for both qualified counsellors any anyone interested in providing support. Find a counselling/listening volunteering opportunity in your area on I-VOL.

Youth Work

Are you passionate about enabling young people to find their voice and develop? Volunteering opportunities in youth work include a wide range of activities concerned with supporting children and young people. A few examples of volunteering activities in this area include: supervising young people, becoming a leader in a youth club, facilitating art workshops, being a positive role model for a young person, and many more! Find a volunteering role in youth work near you on I-VOL.

Events and Stewarding

Events and stewarding volunteers are often the face of Irish festivals, events and community gatherings, provide a warm welcome to event attendees helping to ensure events run smoothly and safely. Find a complete list of volunteering roles in events / stewarding a in your area on I-VOL.

Teaching/Tutoring/Supporting Learning

Volunteering opportunities in teaching are available across all age groups and an assortment of organisations and causes. Potential volunteering activities include literacy tutoring, leaving certiciate student support, and many others. Find a volunteering opportunity in teaching/tutoring/supporting learning in your area on I-VOL.

Sports/Outdoor Activities/Coaching

Do you love the outdoors? Are you passionate about a sport? We may not always have the weather – but that doesn’t hold back thouands of volunteers from volunteering across Ireland (throughout the year!). There are lots of fantastic opportunities to volunteer and supervise and/or coach participants in a host of sporting/outdoor activities. Activities often include coaching, cailitating, and enjoying everything from abseiling to athletics. Find a complete list of volunteering role in sports / outdoor activities in your area


Don’t be fooled by The Apprentice, apprenticeships aren’t about getting pointed at by a cockney geezer in a business suit and being told “you’re fired!” Neither are apprenticeships just restricted to working in construction or hairdressing.

There are many different types of apprenticeships available across a whole range of industry sectors. It’s really about picking the industry that interests you the most and suits your skills.

First, sit down and have a think about what you’re good at (no negativity please, everyone is good at something) and what interests you. There are apprenticeships to suit every skill; whether you’re a people person or pretty good at science or maths.

It’s up to you to find out all about them, but to help you out we’ve written this article to tell you all about the different types of apprenticeships. Who knows? Pretty soon, you might have a cockney geezer in a business suit pointing at you and saying: “You’re hired!”


Yes, if you have a creative flair, you might want to look into beauty and hair apprenticeships, but have you thought about working in floristry, horticulture, graphic design, interior design or product design? You could work as part of a design team in a specialist design agency or in-house for a non-design company.

There are apprenticeships in theatre as well, but mainly on the technical side. These are perfect for people who have a great mix of creative and technical skills. For music lovers, there are apprenticeships in music marketing, artist management and publicity, as well as in working in live events.

Know yourTOWIE from your Newsnight? Then you might want to think about an apprenticeship in television. This could involve anything from working in production and editing to camera work and interactive media.

Media apprenticeships cater for young people who want to develop technical skills, so if you’re pretty practical, it’s an alternative to construction. There are opportunities in digital media as well. Employers are looking for people with good literacy and numeracy skills, as well as solid I.T. skills.


Inspired by The Apprentice? Then working in business and administration might just be your thing. It really offers you the chance to work your way up. You might start on a low salary, but you could be David Brent from The Office in a few years’ time.

Ok, maybe not David Brent, but you can work your way up to a managerial position. Otherwise, if you’ve got a head for numbers, you don’t have to go to university to get a job in accounting.

Businesses need people with great communication skills. You might want to think about an apprenticeship in customer service, contact centres or sales. If you have an organisational streak, and always end up being the person organising nights out, then administrative apprenticeships might be right up your (very tidy and neat) street.

You’ll be the one making sure the day-to-day tasks of a business are running smoothly. You’ll need to have a keen eye-for-detail and be organised and efficient. The best thing about working in administration is you can work for a whole range of companies, from fashion retailers to charities.


If you’re a dab hand with anything practical (no botched DIY jobs on your watch), then you might want to consider apprenticeships in construction, maintenance or agriculture. You can ditch the office for the great outdoors and do an apprenticeship in forestry, environmental conservation, gamekeeping, wildlife management and agriculture.

Apprenticeships in land-based engineering are great for people who love tinkering around with machines, as it involves using technical, scientific and engineering knowledge to solve problems with agricultural equipment and vehicles.

The apprenticeships available in construction vary from bricklaying and scaffolding to civil engineering and the dizzying heights of crane operating. Doing an apprenticeship in the electrotechnical sector, doesn’t just involve wiring houses and screwing in light bulbs. You could work on highways, manufacturing systems or new-fangled electromechanical equipment.


Engineering and I.T. are both huge sectors. The I.T. sector is growing all the time and, with that, there is an increasing demand for skilled people. Working in I.T. is a pretty smart career move; pretty much every industry sector needs I.T. professionals and an apprenticeship will set you well on your way.

An apprenticeship in telecommunications might involve learning about things like how to manage software, basic I.T. applications and all-important systems security. I.T. apprenticeships will see you working towards an I.T. qualification, whilst learning about software and hardware.

From there, you can move on to designing websites, developing software, working in I.T. security and keeping those hackers at bay. Take a look at all our I.T. job descriptions for inspiration.

You don’t have to go to university to work in engineering. Take a look at our engineering subsectors; there are apprenticeships available for most of them, from transport engineering to food and drink engineering. Apprenticeships in engineering will give you a basic footing in the skills needed to become an engineer.

The main requirement is that you need to be decent at maths, science and I.T. The most challenging and exciting part of becoming an engineer is that you need to use your own initiative to solve problems.


Not only does the NHS offer health and social care apprenticeships, but so do organisations in the private sector, local authorities and the armed forces. An apprenticeship in healthcare will usually involve working in the thick of it, either in hospitals, doctors’ surgeries, pharmacies or occupational therapy clinics.

Many apprenticeships will require some technical and scientific knowledge, but not all of them. For example, there are apprenticeship opportunities in the administrative and business side of healthcare too.

An apprenticeship in social care means you’ll be looking after vulnerable people, from children to disabled people. Apprenticeships in social care give you a chance to really utilise your people skills. Otherwise, if you love your animals, you could consider doing an apprenticeship in animal care.

Besides your basic animal care apprenticeships, there’s also veterinary nursing, zoo and dog warden apprenticeships, not to mention opportunities to work in the equine industry (that’s horses to you and me).

If you’ve secretly harboured fantasies of becoming a teacher (everybody loves a bit of Waterloo Road), but don’t fancy going to university, then there are other options for getting involved with teaching and education. You could become a classroom assistant, helping the class teacher and providing support in the classroom. The skills you’ll pick up on your apprenticeship could lead to further teaching qualifications.

It’s not just about teaching young people, many businesses rely on teaching and training to build up a good workforce. You could get involved with running training programmes; teaching employees things such as computer or communication skills.


Right, next under the spotlight are retail and sales apprenticeships. I know what you’re thinking: “That’s just a fancy word for stacking shelves.” Although you’ll probably be spending a lot of time on the shop floor, a retail apprenticeship will eventually allow you to do far more exciting things.

For example, you could get involved in visual merchandising; putting that artistic eye to use by designing window and in-store displays. It could lead you on the path to become a style advisor (or personal shopper), where you’d be advising customers on what to buy; or you could eventually even move into a managerial role in the retail industry.

If you’re a winner when it comes to customer service (and haven’t been put off by Channel 4’s The Hotel), what about a hospitality apprenticeship? This might involve learning how to serve customers as a member of the waiting staff, whipping up Mojitos and champagne cocktails as part of the drinks staff, or cooking up a storm in a restaurant.

If hotels and hostels are more your scene, then you could learn how to be a manager, work behind reception or hone those cleaning skills.

You might be wondering how shops get all that stock delivered to them, and who keeps hotels supplied with fresh fluffy towels. This is where the transport and logistics industry comes into play. It’s a huge industry and we depend on it day to day.

Think less Postman Pat, more huge global undertaking; every person and every industry in the world is influenced by, and depends upon, transport and logistics. You could get an apprenticeship in distribution, logistics and warehouse management.

You’ll need to be super organised with great leadership and communication skills. Or if you like being on the road, then you could get involved with couriering or driving those huge lorries across Europe.

There are even apprenticeships for people wanting to become an air cabin crew member, or for those who like to keep their feet firmly on the ground, there are apprenticeships available in aviation operations and ground crew.


There are ‘sporting excellence’ apprenticeships for those who have a genuine chance of becoming a professional athlete. These are mainly run through the governing bodies of each respective sport. For those people whose sporting skills aren’t quite up to professional standard, then you can get involved in the sports industry in many other ways.

For example, many leisure centres take on apprentices. You could also get involved with coaching or teaching sport, or perhaps even grab hold of a magic sponge and get into physiotherapy.

Basically, what we’ve been trying to say is that there’s shedloads of apprenticeship opportunities out there. Visit all of our careers sectors now to find the industry you’re most interested in and will best complement your skills. You should probably have a look at the apprenticeship opportunities on our apprenticeships job board too. Most importantly though, you should keep an open mind!

Fundraising is absolutely critical to charities and voluntary organisations. This apprenticeship trains you to build and manage relationships to support your organisation’s work and the people it helps.

Training opportunities

A fundraiser shows how the funder’s money will benefit the people and the causes that their charity supports.

This apprenticeship will give you skills to be an effective fundraiser:

Developing and implementing fundraising plans

Monitoring and sustaining relationships with donors.

You can specialise in at least 2 fundraising areas:

local and community fundraising

fundraising events

raising money through large donations

applying for funding grants

fundraising through working with businesses

raising funds through using e-media and using mail to attract donors


Types of apprenticeships

This is an advanced level fundraising apprenticeship. You could train in roles like



fundraising coordinator

fundraising support officer

Apply for a fundraising apprenticeship

You can become an apprentice in England if you’re:

16 or over

eligible to work in England

not in full-time education

Apply for an apprenticeship in this sector


Since charities cover such a broad range of missions we’ve found it helpful to break them down into the 6 different types of charities. Most of these can then be broken down further into subgroups to help you find they specific type of charity you are looking for.

Animal Charities

Who doesn't love animals? Well, these groups may all love animals but they don't all love each other. This particular type of charity can be broken down further into four distinct groups.

Wildlife conservation organizations

Pet and Animal Welfare Organizations

Hunting & Fishing Conservation Groups

Zoos and Aquariums

Stray cattle first aid

Street dog First aid

Environmental Charities

Environmental Charities focus on ways to promote preservation, appreciation, and sustainable development for the environment. The two primary subgroups for this type of charity are:

Environmental Conservation & Protection

Parks and Nature Centers

International NGOs

International NGOs (Non-governmental organizations) are typically charities that are headquartered in one country but work in other countries. In some cases they overlap with other types of charities.

International Development NGOs

Disaster Relief & Humanitarian NGOs

Peace & Human Rights NGOs

Conservation NGOs

Child Sponsorship Organizations

Health Charities

Health charities cover everything from supporting and treating the sick and disabled, working on cures for deseases, and promoting public awareness of specific health risks.

Disease & Disorder Charities

Medical Services & Treatment

Medical Research Charities

Patient and Family Support Charities

Social Charities

Looking after old aged in our old age care Looking after children deserted in our child care creche cum BABA DEEP SINGH CHILD CARE AND NEWBORNE HOME

Education Charities

Education charities serve students from every age group, pre-school to graduate school and beyond.

Some serve as the educational institutions while focus on making education more accessible and effective.

Private Elementary, Jr. High, and High Schools

Universities and Colleges

Scholarship and financial aid services

School Reform and Experimental Education

Support for students, teachers, and parents


Arts & Culture Charties

These types of charities help preserve artistic and cultural heritage as well as celebrate the arts and our history. Museums & Art Galleries

Performing Arts

Libraries & Historical Societies

Public Broadcasting and Media

There are unlimited charities which we offer but have little time to update kindly phone OUR FOUNDER for details 919872468540

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