Baba Deep Singh Indo-Amercian Institute, Patiala


PERWP IS REPUTED LEADING NON GOVT ORG ESTABLISHED IN 2001 GOVT REGISTERED IS HAVING ACCREDITATION FROM ACA(VOICE OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATORS AND JOURNALISTS) GOVT REGD UNDER 1860 ACT LEGALLY RECOGNISED ACT,CHANDIGARH PUNJAB is a self financed autonomous body, which is established for development of education under the guidelines of national education policy 1986 Govt. of India, and program of action 1992 Govt. of India. It has been constituted to education and other vocational courses (Under Self Employment Education Scheme) in India, with the help of educational experts to educate uneducated boys, girls, men and women to upliftment the literacy in India. Board may impart education with international techniques and with stress on morally, mentally, physically and socially personality. Ours is an NGO autonomous body and all educational boards / universities are autonomous bodies. Each educational organization has discretionary powers. According these powers every board / university / State Govt. / Central Govt. of India having the liberty and right to take own decision either to allow or refuse any admission/service. But we do our best to make success the non formal education program. All the education program run by the SOCIETY MULTIDIVISION board is boards own autonomous education program. Legality, Validity, Utility of the education program is strict conformity with the constitution of India and law of the land under Article 15(5), 16(4), 16(4A), 16(4B), 19(1) G, 29, 30, 30(1), 46, 335. All divisions are so designed to benefit SPECIAL ADVANTAGE GROUPS at cheapest affordable methodology. WE never claim to be A GOVT society or board or parallel board. We never received any grant from any Govt department. As water percolates deep into soil we also aim to grasp depths of community to grassroots levels to eradicate illiteracy

To Promote Educatation without Exploitation to special disadvantage groups

Skill Development Initiative Scheme (SDIS) (Based on Modular Employable Skills) objective of meeting the growing requirement of skilled manpower in the industry through short-term courses. The need for a scheme it is an established fact that, the skill level and educational attainment of the workforce determines the productivity as well as the ability to adapt to the changing industrial environment. A majority of Indian workforce does not possess marketable skills which is an impediment in getting decent employment and improving their economic condition. A large number of school drop outs do not have access to skill development for improving their employability. The educational entry requirements and long duration of courses of the formal training system are some of the impediments for a person of low educational attainment to acquire skills for his livelihood. Besides, priority is also given to covering those above the age of 14 years who have been either engaged or withdrawn as child labour so as to enable them to learn employable skills in order to get gainful employment. Cluster approach has been adopted with a view to further reducing the incidence of child labour; parents of child labour could also be enrolled on a preferential basis for providing skills so as to improve their employability.

The Objectives
  • To provide vocational training to school leavers, existing workers, ITI graduates, etc. to improve their employability by optimally utilizing the infrastructure available in Govt., private institutions and the Industry. Existing skills of the persons can also be tested and certified under this scheme.

  • To build capacity in the area of development of competency standards, course curricula, learning material and assessment standards in the country.